Albert Zweistein
- Age: 19
- Profession: Alchemist, Barista
- Type: cold ppl
- Quote: "Can you get me out of your
walls by making a piano sentient?"
Being a descendant of famous physicist Albert Einstein. Naturally, Zweistein is a highschool dropout to pursue his creation of his own laboratory and also indulges in other hobbies such as running his own cafe as well as working with Vaibhav on more scientific matters, his notable works are his series of guns running on state of the arc magnetrons aswell as prototyping a handheld nuclear powered weapon
Contract Man
- Age: ??
- Profession: Ultimate JEE student
- Type: not the people
- Quote: Nan
Ever since he was a fetus in a test tube. Contract had a dream to be the greatest JEE student there ever was, which lead to him preparing papers on research ranging from the creation of inteligence in animals to accelerated training of artifial intelligence which had landed him a chance to attend IIT nippon. However, after covid-20 and the fukushima disaster, his whereabouts are unknown